Culinary Adventures: A Taste through the Middle East

February 21, 2025
Culinary Adventures: A Taste through the Middle East


11AM - 2PM
GMH Dining Hall


Join us on this Culinary Journey through the Middle East! Explore the different flavours of Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Turkey.

The Culinary Adventures Series features recipes submitted by international STUdents that Chef Michael Greer and his team bring to life at each monthly event. Students from these regions without a meal hall plan will get a free pass.



Hummus & Baba Ghanouj with Pita Chips 
Fattoush Salad 
Pakistan Aloo Keema/ Stew with ground meat and potatoes 
Persian rice  
Vegan Pumpkin Kibbeh 
Turkish Mercimek Koftesi 
Afghanistan Borani Badenjan (eggplant with yogurt & spices} 
Afghanistan Bolani / stuffed flatbread with chatni sauce 
Naan Bread  

Dessert selections  
Turkish Firin Sutlac / rice pudding  
Sfouf (Tumeric Cake} 
Turkish Lokma  


Kehwa/spiced tea 


See the full schedule of Culinary Adventures .